Phoenix, Arise…

The nearer to my throat this world comes closing in, the deeper I breathe, and the more I see death around me, and the more I see the premonitions of failure burning brighter, the clearer this my path I see.

I won’t apologise for the dreams I chase, I won’t say sorry for the words I utter but you misunderstand, I won’t stand ashamed for I know all that you never will, I won’t step back in fear of your arrogant ignorance crushing my every plan, I won’t ask for forgiveness from a schizophrenic God who’s yet uncertain of his own fate; for my only regret is the time I listened to those who do not know, those who cannot see beyond the walls built around their minds, those who weigh not but the mere mud from which they’ve come, those who smother you with rusty chains of inherited dogmas and expired beliefs, those who would do anything and everything to keep you from being the smile you once saw on the other side.

Here’s to the ones, above and below, who saw the aura I’ve never had, who bled and wept for me to rise, who touched the beast behind the mask and deep within they carved their names, forever there, till my demise. Here my oath, and the dead be my witness, for I shall walk the path I drew, lone, firm and fearless, leaving my trail on every ground, on every wall and every heart; forever there, until the end of time.

For I only make the memory, thence it’s yours to keep.

IX:XIV p.m.
dies mercuri, ante diem III Nonas Ianuarius, anno MMDCCLXVI a.U.c

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