Month: May 2007


As always, I’m going to apologize, for not being able to keep the site up-to-date, and above all, for not –yet– being able to have a photo album or an art gallery…

  1. Tomorrow evening I’m going to get my artworks on a CD, it was delayed for too long, but what’s the use of an empty Gallery after all?
  2. I’ve had a wonderful exhibition, thanx all for coming over :D… uh.. yeah, anyway, the artworks are on the same above-mentioned CD 🙂
  3. The website design for the Syrian SGP (GEF/UNDP project) was officially cancelled, a new CEO is in charge of the SYR UNDP so, they preferred to stick to the old sucky site…

If you would like to have some real F%^$@# sick laugh… make sure you visit down here before you go… it’s some blog showing how ignorant a man could be… and he’s serious!!!! And it’s called:

Heliocentrism is an Atheist Doctrine!!!! …sucker…

Well… that’s all I can add now… as it’s getting a bit too sunny outside!!! 07:13 AM…. Gotta get some sleep…