Tag: Schizophrenia

Lost and Found: A Note to Future-Self

This piece was found in an email I sent to myself on the 2nd of August 2012, I don’t recall writing this at all, neither do I remember what it is about. But there’s one thing, and one thing is for sure; they are already here…

Microscopic cyborgs invading stagnant brains in search for recyclable nerve cells and unused storage space. Grey matter matter not anymore; you are but a defectively engineered, high-maintenance, low-efficient and constantly pollutive mess of low-voltage transmission lines and carbon-based circuitry. Micro-cyborgs now come with nanotubes and atom-scale pneumatic drills, Micro-cyborgs know what is best for you, Micro-cyborgs shall set you free…

Thursday, 2 August 2012

Apocalypse, brain, Cyborgs, DNA, evolution, HUAR, Humans United Against Robots, Microorganisms, Nerve Cells, Pollution, Robots, Schizophrenia, Tesla, the matrix, Weapons of Mass destruction