I’m Back…

You do not fucking exist… That, I know…

Back to confusion, looking for words and reasons haven’t been harder, you barely have enough will to move your fingers and press these buttons; but they’re aching for something else… It’s been a long time since you’ve felt the trigger… Maybe that was your only chance…

Destructive, forgetful, hopeless, careless, regretless, impatient, depleted, exhausted, abused and damaged beyond repair.

I’d give ten years to go back another ten, to slap this kid in the face, to wake him up, to let him know it’s not worth it, to kill the coward puffin within, at least then some good could’ve come out of him.

You’re forcing words out of your fingertips, I’m trying to hold them back but you won’t let it be… I don’t want you to read my lines yet I’m throwing them unto your face, it is the mundane silent scream for




I take over.

And I’m back to erasing…



  • Maria Calendar Queen

    I am back too….never beyond repair. Just opening my eyes. Clarity is indeed bittersweet serenity.

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