Once He Was… Once Was Not…

Once, God was here… he looked around, took a long breath, and left for no return…

Where are you my black Raven… This colourless, lifeless, shadeless Hawk with a dead wing is standing here, in this merciless desert… waiting………
Is he but a parasite; depleting what’s left of a thin cloud of hot polluted air around his head, inhaling the lost souls hovering their way to nothingness…

Don’t you think it’s time you come back and finish what you started? Wasn’t it clear enough that this hawk has no wings but yours? Either come back to him, and give him back his wings; your wings, so he could fly again… Or come back to him, and take back his heart; your heart, the one you forgot not to give, while you knew you were not allowed to…

Once, God was here… he looked around, recognised my face… and then he laughed… he knew I was stupid enough to believe him… but he was kind enough to leave… and he left for no return…

Now you see me… Now you don’t… Just take them eyes and leave…

June 24th, 2009

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