Year of the Headless Turkey…

If you think that “Ignorance is bless”, then please drop by for a visit at my workplace! It is NOT easy to be one of the very few “literates” in your field, whatever that is, to be one of the few who have more than a spinal cord and a cerebellum, one of the few who actually know the meaning of the words they type… if typed correctly!!

so now, after googling “Cerebellum”, please, go read something… I’m really tired of repeating my question for a billion times in 7623487 different ways, only to get an answer, with more words and less meaning than what came before…

Please, once you find out what you want, try to give some meaning to your words… maybe then, you’ll learn how to save the 8 days gone wasted ONLY because you don’t really know Where you belong or what is your REAL job!

Enough said, back to work…


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